Atlassian JIRA Cloud
General info
Atlassian JIRA Cloud is an online version of Atlassian JIRA. TaskAdapter lets you generate a Microsoft Project plan with the tasks you exported from your JIRA project (including scheduled auto-generation). This way your project plan is always up-to-date and accurate. You can open it in Microsoft Project, update there, and then re-export back to your JIRA Cloud account.
Integration works both ways: you can export tasks from Microsoft Project to JIRA Cloud and vice versa.
Supported JIRA versions.
Task Adapter 2.1+ supports any current JIRA Cloud instance or Atlassian JIRA 5.0 or higher.
Note that you need to use your Atlassian login name and not email when providing JIRA Cloud credentials in TaskAdapter. How to configure Task Adapter for Atlassian JIRA usage