Task Adapter installation

Download TaskAdapter

So, first of all - download Task Adapter application.

TaskAdapter system requirements

You will need to have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 14 or newer to run TaskAdapter. Most computers already have JRE pre-installed. How to get JRE for Windows?

Memory and CPU requirements are minimal, any system with 500Mb of memory (a fraction of what most computers have) will work fine.


Unpack the distributive into any folder (any modern operating system can open ZIP files). Open the folder where you unpacked the application to, then open “bin” sub-folder and run “launcher.bat” (for Windows) or “launcher” (for Linux and Mac OS).

Feel free to explore the start scripts in “bin” folder before launching them: they check if minimum Java version is present on your computer and then launch the app. Task Adapter Launcher

TaskAdapter is a web application that will run inside a minimal embedded http server on your computer. You will access it via an internet browser.

Once you launch TaskAdapter application, a default Internet browser will be automatically opened with http://localhost:10842/ta URL. Default port for Task Adapter web application is 10842.

Note that closing the browser window does not stop the server process. You can reopen the web page later while TaskAdapter server is still running. You can stop the server in the console where you started it by pressing CTRL+C. Typically you want to keep the process running if you set it up on a server to be accessible for multiple users in your organization.

Changing port number.

The port number Task Adapter will use for embedded HTTP server can be provided in command line parameters:

    launcher --port=9977

Or set it in “launcher.bat” (Windows) and “launcher” files (Linux and Mac OS):

    @rem Execute launcher
    "%JAVA_EXE%" %DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% %JAVA_OPTS% %LAUNCHER_OPTS% -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" com.taskadapter.launcher.TALauncher %CMD_LINE_ARGS% --openTaskAdapterPageInWebBrowser --port=9977


Default account name is “admin” and password is “admin”. If you run this app on a shared computer (on a server) where other people can see it, it is recommended to change the password.

“admin” user can manage other users accounts and edit any data (other users’ configs, for example). Other users can only access data created by them.

When you create a synchronization config with your, say, JIRA credentials or Trello ApiKey, this information is saved in encrypted format.

General configuration

Use “Configure” link in the page header to change system-wide settings. Settings

Local / server mode

Set “Local / server” mode setting to “LOCAL” if you are running Task Adapter on your local machine. “Server” mode is used for a shared installation when multiple users will need to connect to this Task Adapter. “Server” mode will require you to UPLOAD your Microsoft Project files to Task Adapter server before it can load them and then save to a system like JIRA, Redmine or Github.

Data location

All data TaskAdapter requires to operate is stored in <user home>/.taskadapter folder. Sample path for Windows OS: c:\users\myusername.taskadapter

Log file locations: /tmp/taskadapter.log on Linux and MacOS and c:\windows\temp\taskadapter.log on Windows