TaskAdapter 3.8.1 Release Notes

Changes list:

Core - affects all connectors

User Interface

  • Renamed “Query” field to “Query ID” in Project configuration panel to make it a bit more clear what it contains. Added a tooltip with description. The only connector that currently supports free-form query text search is GitHub, others require search filters/queries to be created in the corresponding systems.
  • Better validation for “Query ID” field in Project configuration panel.

Atlassian JIRA

  • bug fixed: JIRA tasks were getting default task type (e.g. “Bug”) set in TaskAdapter synchronization config when they were updated if no type was provided by the data source. This lead to tasks with type “Story”, “Feature”, etc to be converted to the default type when they were updated.

Microsoft Project

  • trim string values and remove trailing line breaks in String-based fields when saving tasks to a Microsoft Project file.